What People Are Saying
“I don’t understand why this is an elected position but Cindy Dinovo definitely doesn’t deserve to continue to have this job” — Rhiannon Black
“Just because she is an elected official does not mean she is not touchable…”— Tabitha Sisson
“Why would anyone even vote for her? “— Scott Charland
“I could not believe she was going millions of dollars over budget year after year after year.”— Peg Watkins
Bullying, toxic workplace alleged by current and former Delaware Municipal Court staff
Delaware City Council Meeting
August 11, 2024
Dear Members of City Council and Madame Mayor, My name is Ethan Hutchinson. If you don’t remember me, recently, at the end of May, you all voted on a motion that I had submitted to vacate the city’s property adjacent to my lot. My family and I are still in awe and extremely grateful for what we have been able to do thus far with our portion of the vacated alley. So, again, we say thank you!
Now, this time, however, I am writing to you in regards to the recent news circling around the Clerk of Court of the Delaware Municipal Court, Mrs. Cindy Dinovo. As you all know, I was once a former employee of Mrs. Dinovo for two years and recently left the job at end of May this year. I originally got the job because of my interest in the legal and court system. However, I was unaware of what would transpire in the Clerk’s office during my employment there. From the moment that I started to the very week that I left the office, I could sense that there was some type of target on my back, though I did not know why. It all started with small comments that she would make here or there to put down or belittle what I had said and at other times escalated into a verbal scolding in which she would scream at me in front of all of my coworkers in the office during office hours. Sure, there were times when she would ask me to come to her office to “talk” to me. However, in those instances, I would still be patronized for something I had allegedly done, whether what she was accusing me of had really happened or not.
Many of my former coworkers can vouch for my character when I say that I don’t believe that I deserved the mistreatment that I received while under Mrs. Dinovo. I was called “wreckless” and accused of exerting “male superiority” over a coworker for simply asking them kindly to bring something to my desk. In front of the whole office, while on the phone with a police agency requesting the rescheduling of an arraignment date, Mrs. Dinovo came to my cubicle, pointed at me, and screamed, “Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! See, this is why I told you that you were a danger to me!” When I questioned the Clerk as to what I had done wrong (because I had performed the phone call according to procedure and how I was trained), she provided no correction. However, those that were around to see the incident actually agreed with my explanation and themselves questioned the Clerk.
These are just but a few examples. I could go on and on about how I was told that the way I communicated or interacted with her was considered inferior, less than, and disregarded because I am a man and young. The point is, that on many accounts the Clerk made me feel mistreated, mischaracterized, misrepresented, put down, degraded, and unheard.
About a year after I began employment under the Clerk, I sought counsel in Human Resources, giving them one example after another of how I had been treated. However, they determined that there wasn’t a toxic environment, nor was there any type of bullying or harassment displayed that they could do something about. In fact, they suggested that it was simply a clash of personalities and that it would be in my best interest to not have HR sit down with Cindy and I so as not to exacerbate the already bad situation.
It honestly has taken me a long time to come out and talk about this outside of anyone in my social circle simply for the fear of what might happen if she were to find out about what I had said. The last time that I tried to communicate to her how she made me feel in my letter of resignation, she requested not once or twice, but three times, if I would redact the portion of my letter that explained my poor experience due to the toxic work environment I found myself in on a daily basis. She went as far as to bring me into her office and blame me for the toxic relationship that she had created between us.
I really just don’t understand how someone could be so cruel and mean to those that have not done anything purposefully to hurt or wrong her. That being said, I write this letter in hopes that something can be done to remedy this situation. I have watched as my previous coworkers have had to endure this for much longer than me and do not want to see anyone else have to go through this. I can’t begin to tell you of the stress and anxiety that I would have and bring home everyday not just because of what was done to me, but also how I saw her treat others. It isn’t right…
I thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter and hope that this leads to a healthy and helpful solution soon. If you were to have any questions or desire to talk further regarding my experience at the Clerk’s office, please feel free to reach out to on my phone at 740-281-9848.
Sincerely, Ethan Hutchinson
Delaware City Council Meeting 8-26-24
It's been two weeks since I was here to make a public plea for someone, anyone, to investigate the conduct of Municipal Court Clerk Cindy Dinovo's decades long history of abuse of power in office. The Columbus Dispatch investigated and wrote a scathing article about Clerk Dinovo's history and I waited. Crickets. Crickets from everyone except concerned citizens who are waiting for some answers.
How has this behavior been allowed to continue? How are you not outraged? Delaware City Council, have any of you made public statements against Clerk Dinovo's use of racial slurs and the repeated, multiple settled lawsuits for bad behavior in the workplace? How much taxpayer money has been paid to settle these lawsuits against Clerk Dinovo while you ask citizens to approve tax hike this November? Do you think the public has a right to question that?
Where is the Delaware County Republican Party on one of their very own endorsed office holders? Why haven't we heard from you? Are those who sponsored her last fundraiser going to speak out against this? Jeff Balzer, Andrew Brenner, Gary Merrill, Melissa Schiffel, Brian Lorenz, Beth Lear? Are you going to continue giving money to someone like this? How many more people need to come forward and say the same things? How much more taxpayer hush money needs to be spent settling lawsuits to make Clerk Dinovo's wrongdoings get swept under the rug?
Why has this been allowed to continue? Because of silence. I'm told there is nothing Human Resources or City Council can do because she's an elected official. She's only accountable to the people. I ask you HOW can people even be aware of this if you're all SILENT. How are the citizens supposed to know? She's endorsed by the Republican Party and runs their slate card. Thousands and thousands of dollars paid out in lawsuits no one would be talking about if I wasn't here. More and more people keep coming forward. Investigate this people and stop the silence.
Thank you, Tabatha Sisson